Oily skin needs deep hydration that helps balance excess sebum, remove fine lines and improve skin texture, especially as it is more prone to pimples and acne. There are many natural ingredients to take care of oily skin, and green tea cream may be just what you are looking for. Below, learn with "", the steps for preparing green tea cream, to give your oily skin a healthy, pure and smooth appearance.

Green tea cream for oily skin and how to prepare it

Green tea helps protect the skin from sun damage and helps reduce the signs of aging. Rosehip seed oil works efficiently to repair skin damage and rejuvenate skin cells, and it has a distinctive smell. Plus beeswax that helps maintain skin hydration.

How to make green tea cream

the ingredients

½ teaspoon of beeswax. It can be replaced with medical Vaseline.
A teaspoon of bitter almond oil.
A teaspoon of coconut oil.
½ teaspoon of rosehip seed oil.
A bag of green tea.
A sterile container with a tight-fitting lid to store the cream.
double boiler;
A deep bowl and a plastic spoon for stirring.

How to prepare and use:

Melt the beeswax and oils in a double boiler or in a hot water bath until they are well combined. Add the contents of the green tea bag with the oils, mix the ingredients together until the contents of the green tea are extracted for 15 minutes. Strain the mixture well using a piece of gauze or a fine strainer. Leave the mixture to cool completely and form a cream. Store green tea cream in a sterile container with a tight-fitting lid in a cool, dark place. You can prepare a large quantity that will last you a long time. Therefore, be sure to sterilize the tools used to keep the cream for long periods of time without being damaged by bacteria.

Benefits of green tea cream for skin

Green tea is an antibacterial agent that can be used to treat oily skin problems
Green tea makes the face firm and gives it a clear whiteness. It treats skin damage caused by exposure to sunlight. It helps reduce the appearance of signs of aging.
Green tea is an antibacterial agent that can be used to treat skin problems such as acne, pimples, and open pores. The presence of antioxidants such as polyphenols helps fight infection and bacterial membranes that help treat acne. It also reduces inflammation and redness of the skin.
Green tea can effectively delay the signs of aging with regular use of its richness in Vitamin E and B2. The presence of vitamin B2 improves the level of collagen, which helps to increase the elasticity of the skin and makes it more youthful and fresh. The presence of Vitamin E helps in moisturizing the skin. Moreover, it also helps in cell regeneration which effectively reduces the signs of aging.

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